Monday 7th October, 2024
Mugeere Emmanuel
The district has marked a significant milestone in its educational development with the commissioning of new educational infrastructure worth over 2 billion shillings at katooke Moslem senior secondary school, Wakyato Seed senior secondary school , Katalekamese modern senior secondary school , St. Joseph senior secondary school Kasambya , and St. Mark Kirema Kufu senior secondary school respectively.
Katooke Moslem Senior Secondary School- We commissioned and handed over infrastructure worth 587 million of an administrative block, a 2 classroom block, and a modern multipurpose hall to residents, parents, and students of Katooke Moslem Senior Secondary School, and two blocks of VIP latrine.
Newly constructed administration block at Katooke Moslem Secondary School
St.Joseph Senior Secondary School Kasambya – The district leadership handed over educational infrastructure worth 587million of a 2 classroomblock , a modern multipurpose hall , an administration block , and two blocks of VIP latrine .
State minister for Kampala Hon. Kabuye Kyofatogabye and RDC Rosemary Byabasaija preside over the commissioning and handover of newly constructed buildings at St. Joseph SS, Kasambya
Katalekamese Modern Senior Secondary School –we commissioned infrastructure worth 439 million of a multipurpose hall, an administration block , and two blocks of five stance latrine .
Newly constructed multipurpose hall at Katalekamese Modern SS, Semuto Sub County.
Wakyaato Seed Senior Secondary –two classroom blocks of two classes worth 239 million were commissioned and handed over to students and parents of this schoolblock
Newly constructed Two classroom blocks at Wakyato Seed Senior Secondary School
Headteacher and Staff Wakyato Seed Senior Secondary School at the handover ceremony of Education Infrastructures
St. Mark Senior Secondary School Kirema Kufu – infrastructure worth 587 million that include ; a 2 class room block , an administration block , a multipurpose hall , and 2 blocks of VIP latrine were commissioned and handed over to residents and students of this school found in Kirema village , Kirema parish , Semuto sub county .
Aerial view of Newly constructed multipurpose hall, administration block and a two classroom block
at St. Mark SS Kirema-Kufu.